It’s official. Our society has finally achieved peak bacon. I mean, c’mon… How else to explain the preponderance of bacon-centric products that have flooded the internet and retail outlets? A simple Google search will highlight a wide range of cured pork products, including such delicacies as bacon-flavored chewing gum, bacon-infused vodka, bacon covered donuts, bacon wrapped hot dogs, baconnaise, bacon-scented dryer sheets, bacon soda, bacon ice cream, bacon-shaped memory sticks, and –– last, but certainly not least –– bacon-flavored sex...
Quinoa Current Curry Salad
posted by Matt
Quinoa… Friggin’, friggin’ quinoa… On its own, un-gussied up quinoa is nothing more than a blah, bland, boring side dish –– a steaming heap of slightly bitter, somewhat chewy, faux-hipster-rice-wanna-be-gluten-free-particulates that have taken on the moniker: “healthy grain alternative.” Unfortunately, the way it’s so typically prepared and served, quinoa should more accurately be called the “cardboard-flavored grain alternative.” NOT that I have an opinion about this. But –– BUT –– there is an upside to quinoa’s boring blandness (and I don’t mean this in any sort of...
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